Meg Viney

A collection of works and musings from an artist.


This article was written on 03 Jun 2013, and is filled under Uncategorized.

Figures in Contemplation







Many of my works are figurative, and yet I perceive them as vessels. People are containers of life, of love, of one another. Whilst vessels are seen as containers of things, these, are, more importantly harbingers of emotions, of spirit, of life itself.

These figures are hand-carved from Eucalyptus Regnans, using a drawknife and shavehorse.  The heads are of paper, which is made from garlic fiber.  The vestments are hand-woven on a loom using a linen warp and wefts from a variety of plant fibers, gum leaves and twigs, and grasses.

Prices vary from $240 to $490


  1. Beverly Gordon
    September 3, 2015

    Your friend from Vancouver, Margaret Drummond, just sent me the link to your website and I want you to know you have a new fan! I feel great kinship with your work and with the way you write about it. It’s exciting to discover someone new to follow and learn about, especially across the world.
    Thank you.

    • megv
      March 6, 2024

      Hi Beverly,
      Such a beautiful comment. I often that it was such a pity Covid goy in the way of our joint exhibition. It is what it is,
      very warm regards to you,

  2. Lynnie
    March 1, 2025

    Hi Meg
    We met on the beach this afternoon and had a lovely chat in the sunshine..I have looked you up and love your work/ way of being!
    Love to keep in touch

    • megv
      March 1, 2025

      Hi Lynne,
      It was a marvellous meeting, so yes, let’s stay non touch. Thanks for your kind comments. It means a lot.
      0400048247, so maybe chat soon?

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